Dogs and Puppies near me in Dalbeattie, The Stewartry of Kirkcudbright has found 29 results that meet your criteria

Dogs and Puppies near me in Dalbeattie, The Stewartry of Kirkcudbright has found 29 results that meet your criteria

Shih Tzu - Both
Deposits Deposits
Imperial shih tzu
Ayr, Ayrshire and Arran, KA7 2
48.3 miles from Dalbeattie
On the 18th of September our beautiful Imperial shih tzu blossom had 4 gorgeous puppys 3 girls and 1 boy the puppys are fully pedigree dad is also a Imperial shih tzu for ever loving homes only puppys...
Breed facts Marshall Miller
Golden Retriever
Pedigree golden retriever for stud
High Harrington, Cumbria, CA14 4
24.5 miles from Dalbeattie
Meet Hudson, he is our much loved family dog. He is golden with an excellent temperament. He is amazing with children and very obedient. Hudson has an older brother Hugo. They both love each other so...
Breed facts Ellie Parker
American Bulldog
My American Bulldog paco is up for stud now if interested please let me know
Trabboch, Ayrshire and Arran, KA5 5
44.7 miles from Dalbeattie
My American Bulldog paco is up for stud now if interested please let me know DM thx
Breed facts George Gilchrist
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Whitehaven, Cumbria, CA28 7
28 miles from Dalbeattie
Let me introduce you to our Bear, where to begin! Our big stocky boy Bear. UK KC Registered. Temperament - Softest as they come! Excellent behaviour in and out the house, No dog has phased him, never...
Breed facts Cheyenne Pullin
Showing 26 - 29 of 29
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