Leonberger Breed Information and Buying advice


Are You Looking to Buy or Adopt a Leonberger?

Quick Leonberger Facts

Average Size of Adult
Huge (5/5)
Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy
Grooming Requirement
Medium (2/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
High (3/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Average Life Span
8-10 years (3/8)
Exercise Requirements
High (3/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
High (3/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
High (3/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Child friendly
Yes (1/2)
High (3/3)
Puppy Puppy Puppy
Breed Group
Working (7/8)
No (2/2)

Why Leonbergers are great

Leonberger puppies can be a great addition to a family as they are friendly and sociable. Leonberger puppies are also heroic by nature. Leonbergers have often been as brave and helpful as St. Bernards. Leonberger puppies were originally bred to be working dogs and are still regarded as being in that class, by the Kennel Club. However, they are now more popular for their gentle and affectionate temperament. Some highlights:

  1. Leonberger puppies are bred for their beautiful red and fawn coats. This makes them a hugely attractive puppy to own.

  2. Leonberger puppies are elegant and strong. They are impressive companions and continue to be so as they grow.

  3. Leonberger puppies have a self-assured nature that combines with real playfulness. This makes them great fun to be around.


Things to consider when looking at Leonbergers for Sale

As with any dog, it's important to think carefully before buying a Leonberger puppy. It's vital to take time to do in-depth research. Doing this helps with making the decision about whether a Leonberger is the right dog to buy. It's also essential to check for breeding standards with experts like the Leonberger Club of Great Britain. Some downsides to the Leonberger:

  1. A large garden is required, in order to make sure that a Leonberger puppy gets the space that it needs. These space needs increase as the puppy grows to become a full-size Leonberger.

  2. Leonberger puppies and adult dogs have a medium-length coat that sheds a lot. This means that grooming can be time-consuming.

  3. Although Leonbergers are not overly energetic dogs, they do need around two hours of exercise each day. Getting this exercise is important as it helps to stop them from putting on too much weight.


History of Leonbergers

There is a certain amount of uncertainty when it comes to the origins of the Leonberger. The breed originated in Germany, but there are several different stories as to how it came about. The first standard for the breed was written in 1895, by Albert Krull. Dave Gower first brought Leonburgers to the UK at the end of World War II. However, attempts at breeding were not successful. This is why today's Leonberger puppies are descended from dogs that were first brought to the country in the 70s and 80s. The Leonberger has grown in popularity since the first dogs were brought into the country, and the Leonberger Club of Great Britain was founded in 1986.  


How big is the Leonberger? 

It's easy to think of Leonberger puppies being like cute teddy bears. However, these puppies grow into big dogs. Adult male Leonbergers are 72 - 80 cm in height at the withers while females are 65 - 75 cm in height at the withers.  

How heavy is a Leonberger?

As well as growing in height, Leonberger puppies also put on a lot of weight as they grow. Male Leonbergers usually weigh between 54 and 77 kg. Females weigh less, at between 40 and 60 kg.  

What Colour is the Leonberger?

The Leonberger has a medium-length coat that is water-resistant. It's colour is attractive and distinctive. It consists of red or fawn fur with a black mask on the face. This distinctive colouring is one of a Leonberger's most attractive features.  


Do Leonbergers make good guard dogs?  

Leonberger puppies were originally bred to be guard dogs and working dogs. They still have the ability to be good at guarding property. However, Leonberger puppies, and adult dogs, have a friendly nature. This means that they are not always best suited to providing a warning if they are left outside to keep guard.  

Are Leonbergers easy to train?  

Leonberger puppies are large and laid back. This is not always a good combination when it comes to training. It can take a lot of time and patience to fully train a Leonberger. This is why training needs to start as early as possible.  

Are Leonbergers good with children?

Leonbergers are friendly and playful dogs. This means that they love to spend time with children. However, Leonbergers are also big dogs. This means that they should not be left alone with young children, in case of an accident happening.  

Are Leonbergers good with other pets? 

Leonberger puppies are very sociable with people. However, they are often less sociable with other animals; especially other dogs. Often Leonbergers simply ignore other dogs that they come across. Sometimes, they can be aggressive towards them.  

Can I leave a Leonberger Alone?

Leonberger puppies may not react well if they are left alone. This is because Leonbergers build strong bonds with people. Ideally, Leonberger puppies should live in a home where someone is in the property for the majority of the day.  

Do Leonbergers like water?

Leonberger puppies love water. This is a common attribute of Leonburgers. They enjoy spending time in water and they are strong swimmers.  


How long do Leonbergers live?

When buying Leonberger puppies, it's important to know that they do not have a long lifespan. Most Leonburgers live for less than 10 years.  

What are Leonbergers Common health issues?

There are some potential health issues to be aware of when buying Leonberger puppies. For instance, they can be prone to elbow dysplasia. There is a scoring system which grades elbow development in Leonburgers. The ratings are 0-3, with 0 being the ideal. Leonbergers are also known to suffer from bloat. This happens when the dog's stomach becomes twisted. When this twisting takes place, gas becomes trapped. Veterinary intervention is required as this condition can be fatal. Symptoms of bloat include drooling, vomiting and a swollen abdomen.  


How much space do I need for a Leonberger?

Anyone who lives in a flat, or small/medium house, should not consider buying a Leonberger puppy. This is because these dogs need a lot of space. They need a home in a large property with an equally large outside space.  

How much grooming do Leonbergers need?

Leonbergers have a medium-length coat that requires a lot of care. A Leonberger's coat needs to be groomed twice a week. Grooming may need to increase further when the Leonberger is shedding.  

Do Leonbergers shed? 

When bringing a Leonberger puppy home, it's important to know that they do shed their coat. The main shedding happens twice a year. However, Leonbergers do shed fur in-between these two occasions. This is why grooming is so important.  

Average costs

How much does it cost to keep a Leonberger?

One thing that is vital to consider when buying a Leonberger puppy is the cost. This can be considerable. Buying a Kennel Club registered Leonberger puppy costs an average of £1,217. There are also ongoing costs to take into account. It's estimated that owning a Leonberger costs around £209 per month, on average.  

Specific Buying Guide

You can read our general buying guide here (/advice-on-buying-a-puppy/), with the most important thing being going to view your Leonberger Puppy, seeing it with its mother, and checking the quality of the breeder. More specifically, here is some Leonberger puppy buying advice:

  1. Make sure to be prepared for welcoming a large dog into the family, and have enough space. Leonberger puppies are not suitable for housing in a small to medium-sized property.

  2. Choose a reputable breeder who can provide the history of the puppy that is being purchased. Doing this makes it more likely that the Lionberger puppy will be healthy and strong.


Other reading, Adopting Leonberger Puppies and Rescue Organisations

A big thank you to the following sources who helped to shape this article: https://www.leonbergerclubofgb.com/puppy-buyers-guide https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/services/public/breed/display.aspx?id=4093