15 Cartoon Dog Characters & Their Real-Life Counterparts

Some of the most iconic cartoon characters of all time are dogs. Some can talk and walk on two legs while others make us laugh by simply being dogs. Goofy, Scooby-Doo and Snoopy are just a few of the most memorable cartoon dog characters of all time. Below we’ve rounded up 15 of the best and compared them to their real-life counterparts.
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1. Copper
Name: Copper
Show: The Fox and Hound
Character: Copper is a hound puppy who makes friends with a fox in this classic Disney film. The pair become best friends as they teach each other lessons and help each other out even though they should be natural enemies.
Breed: Copper is a Bloodhound, he looks like a bloodhound with his large floppy ears and he acts like one too as he has an excellent sense of smell that results in him regularly wandering off to follow scents.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Bloodhound breed guide.
2. Astro
Name: Astro
Show: The Jetsons
Character: Astro is a pet dog in The Jetsons cartoon, he loves attention and tends to be a bit dramatic at times. At the end of each episode, Astro is seen chasing a cat while dragging George behind him.
Breed: Astro is a Great Dane, although his ears are small and stand high rather than hanging down. Astro is affectionate, goofy, and playful just as Great Danes often are.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Great Dane breed guide.
3. Clifford
Name: Clifford
Show: Clifford the Big Red Dog
Character: Clifford is a huge dog that is loyal, friendly and loveable. Clifford often gets in trouble due to his large size and his best friend is his owner Emily.
Breed: It is unclear exactly what breed Clifford is based on, although it is thought he is a Labrador Retriever or Bloodhound. Clifford is gentle, helpful, and has large ears that hang down.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Labrador breed guide.
4. Huckleberry Hound
Name: Huckleberry Hound
Show: The Huckleberry Hound Show
Character: Huckleberry Hound is a relaxed, cheerful dog who tries a range of different jobs but they usually backfire. This pup wears a bowtie and boater hat and speaks with a North Carolina accent.
Breed: Huckleberry Hound is based on a Coonhound; a large, well-tempered and easygoing breed. When you look past Huckleberry’s blue coloured coat and outfit, you can see some similarities between the two such as the ears and face shape.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Coonhound breed guide.
5. Pluto
Name: Pluto
Show: Mickey Mouse
Character: Pluto is Mickey’s pet dog and he behaves more like a dog than Goofy as he is usually on all fours and doesn’t wear clothes or speak. Pluto uses facial expressions and gestures to express himself.
Breed: Pluto was originally a bloodhound but is now said to be a mixed-breed dog. Pluto is cheerful, adventurous and has an excellent sense of smell, he gets jealous of Mickey getting another pet and is often getting into some kind of trouble by eating things he shouldn’t or getting tangled up.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Mixed Breed guide.
6. Lady
Name: Lady
Show: Lady and the Tramp
Character: Lady is a loving, faithful and well-mannered family pet. She is named lady thanks to her ladylike personality.
Breed: Lady is a pampered American Cocker Spaniel, she is well-kept and is undeniably a Cocker Spaniel with long ears and big eyes. Lady is adorable, affectionate, and curious, similar to many of the Cocker Spaniels we know!
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our American Cocker Spaniel breed guide.
7. Snoopy
Name: Snoopy
Show: Peanuts
Character: Snoopy is one of the most recognisable characters in the Peanuts comic, he is good-natured and spends most of his time imagining himself in fantasy lives.
Breed: Snoopy is a clever and imaginative beagle. He never forgets when it is dinner time and is often seen playing with the neighbourhood kids. This beagle has a strong character and, although he does not speak, always expresses himself clearly.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Beagle breed guide.
8. Santa’s Little Helper
Name: Santa’s Little Helper
Show: The Simpsons
Character: Unlike many cartoon dogs, Santa’s Little Helper acts very much like a dog throughout The Simpsons. He goes to obedience school after he destroys valuable items in the house and has many other experiences such as becoming a father and a mascot for Duff Beer.
Breed: This greyhound was adopted by the Simpsons after his owner abandoned him for coming last in a greyhound race. Santa’s Little Helper can often be seen chewing newspapers or digging holes in the garden. He looks and acts like a greyhound with his friendly, sensitive, and adaptable attitude.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Greyhound breed guide.
9. 101 Dalmatians
Name: Pongo & Perdita
Show: 101 Dalmatians
Character: These are the two adult Dalmatians, they fall in love and have puppies together. Pongo is playful and carefree while Perdita is well-mannered and ladylike. The two seem to balance each other out.
Breed: Dalmatians are one of the most recognisable breeds and these two (as well as the 98 puppies in the film) are excellent ambassadors. Pongo and Perdita are calm, proud, and affectionate characters.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Dalmatian breed guide.
10. Scooby-Doo
Name: Scooby-Doo
Show: Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?
Character: Scooby-Doo is a classic cartoon dog that everyone is familiar with. He loves snacks, and is scared of everything but works hard to solve mysteries with his friends.
Breed: Scooby-Doo is a Great Dane, he is brown in colour with a few black spots which are unusual for the breed but his face and eyes strongly resemble Great Danes. Scooby is incredibly loyal, has an excellent sense of smell and loves getting attention. Oh, and he is always hungry. These are all characteristics found in Great Danes.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Great Dane breed guide.
11. Odie
Name: Odie
Show: Garfield
Character: Odie is a friend of Garfield. Odie is energetic, kind, and fun-loving but he is also a bit dopey.
Breed: Odie is believed to be a Dachshund cross (and is played by a Dachshund/ Terrier cross in films). Dachshunds are friendly, affectionate, and energetic, just like Odie.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Dachshund breed guide.
12. Brian Griffin
Name: Brian Griffin
Show: Family Guy
Character: Brian may be a dog but he walks on his hind legs, talks, and is an active member of the Griffin family. Brian is known for having a sharp wit.
Breed: Brian is a Labrador and shares certain traits with dogs such as cleaning himself with his tongue and going to the bathroom outside. Brian seems to be ashamed of his dog instincts and takes life more seriously than most Labradors - who are often playful and energetic.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Labrador breed guide.
13. Goofy
Name: Goofy
Show: Mickey Mouse
Character: Goofy is clumsy, loveable, and animated. Goofy is a dog with human features and walks around on his hind legs and speaks too.
Breed: Goofy is believed to be a Coonhound/ Bloodhound mix. Goofy shares long droopy ears and coat colour with these breeds but his behaviour is more human than dog.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Coonhound breed guide.
14. Mumbly
Name: Mumbly
Show: The Mumbly Cartoon Show
Character: Mumbly is a dog detective that regularly solves crimes. He is known for his wheezy laugh and is often mistaken for his cousin Muttley.
Breed: Both Mumbly and Muttley are mixed breed dogs that are thought to be a mix of Airedale, Pointer, Bloodhound and hunting dog.
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our Mixed Breed guide.
15. Hector The Bulldog
Name: Hector
Show: Looney Tunes
Character: Hector is a strong bulldog who is often outwitted by Sylvester. Hector is known for protecting Tweety and is loyal to his owner, Granny.
Breed: Hector is a bulldog which is clear to see in his appearance (robust frame and face jowls) and his attitude (he is loyal and a natural watchdog).
Want to know more about this breed? Check out our American Bulldog guide.
Want A Dog Of Your Own?
Seeing dogs in these classic cartoons is one of the things that has inspired many of us to get dogs of our own. If you’re looking for a dog, use Puppies to ensure your new family member comes from a high-quality and reputable breeder.