Puppy Training Basics

Puppy Training Help & Considerations
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Aivi1987
It sure would be nice if that sweet little bundle of fur you fell in love with came already fully trained, wouldn’t it? Perhaps you should have gotten an older dog – one who already understands the meaning of “sit”, “stay”, and “go potty”. But no, you really wanted a puppy so that you could mold him into the perfect fit for your family and lifestyle.
Puppy training is serious business
You don’t want to mess up. After all, you have certain requirements; like a dog who doesn’t pee in the house, a dog who doesn’t bark all night long, and a dog who will follow your every command and hang on your every word.
Here are three dog training options to consider:
Use a professional trainer
Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) - William Warby
If you’ve never owned a dog before and you’re really unsure how to proceed, consider hiring someone to train your pup. Take time choosing a professional by asking them detailed questions about what training methods they use. What is included in the training? Is it a short, intense program or is it a suitable length with follow ups? Make sure the methods they use to train your puppy are something you and your family can continue with and reinforce. You’ll want to follow up with their references.
Puppy school.
CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication - Karen Arnold
This is a good choice if you feel you need some help and you don’t want to pay the fees of a professional trainer. Take your puppy to school through a pet store program. Find out who will be teaching your pet and what their qualifications are. Make sure it’s not just an employee who’s punching a time clock and doesn’t really have experience in training dogs. Your puppy will be trained with other puppies and this could prove too distracting, depending on your puppy. It’s something to consider. Also keep in mind that the puppy classes need to fit into your schedule.
Owner-led puppy training.
If you feel you want to train the little guy yourself then give it a go. Although there will be some frustrating times ahead, this is a rewarding bonding experience. Arm yourself with dog training books and watch some training videos before you even think about starting. In fact, start in on your own training to be your dog’s trainer before you bring your puppy home. The key ingredients are patience and consistency. These are the routes to consider when thinking about puppy training. Any of these can be successful as long as you remember that training your puppy is an ongoing thing. Training is not something you do for 8 weeks and then stop, because your dog will forget about it if you let him.