Sponsor your own Guide Dog Puppy!

Here at Puppies.co.uk we are firm believers in giving back to the wonderful Communities around us. It is incredibly important to help and support those which are affected by life changing events such as blindness. As a result we are dedicating this short blog towards opening your eyes towards the wonderful work that GuideDogs UK do for people in the country. These dogs really are truly amazing and to see them in action is incredible! I have been fortunate myself to visit Alfie (mentioned below) as a little puppy!
Every hour, another person in the UK goes blind
180,000 people with sight loss rarely leave home alone. Almost two million people in the UK are living with sight loss. By 2050, there could be nearly four million Guide Dogs UK rely on donations to continue their life-changing work. Every pound raised makes a difference to people in the UK living with sight loss.
Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) - William Warby
For yourself
You could help transform the life of someone who is blind or partially sighted. From as a little as £1 a week.
The perfect gift
Puppy sponsorship makes the perfect gift for a loved one.
Sponsor a gorgeous guide dog puppy from just £1 a week..
Watch them grow from a six-week-old bundle of fur to a fully-qualified guide dog. It's a great way to support Guide Dogs, and every puppy's journey is unique! After 24 months of training, your puppy will give freedom and independence to someone with sight loss, giving you the chance to sponsor another new recruit!
Case Study-Alfie!
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/photos/labrador-retriever">Labrador retriever photo created by wirestock - www.freepik.com</a>
Alfie is just six weeks old in this picture. This bundle of fun likes to have his tummy tickled and is often found playing in the garden with his sister, Poppy. By sponsoring Alfie, you’ll become part of his incredible adventure to change the life of someone with sight loss.