The Star Listing Rating System

The Promise
We (humans, not robots) pre-check all listings that are submitted to our site. We check listings versus a fraud database, cross-check against other listings on similar websites, and from time to time request identity checks.
We will remove adverts and ban breeders who are breaking the law and/or presenting ‘scam’ listings. These cases are also reported to Action Fraud.
We will never exchange payment through our platform for the sale of puppies, after you have seen the puppy for sale, it’s between you (purchaser) and the breeder (seller). has taken all steps under our control (with regard to the advertisement of pets) lawfully, and each breeder has the opportunity to display their adverts in accordance with the law.
Our Next Step of Commitment
From today, we are delighted to announce our new feature, as a commitment to our promise.
Our aim is to become the single best online marketplace for responsible breeding practices, and have a vision where, together, we can rid the UK of bad breeding, illegal breeding, and puppy farms.
With combined more than 30 years of pet breeding industry experience, our team knows a thing or two about good breeding.
And so, today we announce the launch of our listing rating system. From today, we will be providing a ' rating' for every listing that goes on our website. We don't believe in limiting the breeders accessing our platform (as long as it is not illegal activity) but we will be providing ratings to help the consumer be more clear about what we think a good or a bad listing is.
The listings will be rated from 1-5 stars by our experts, based on many factors.
This will result in a 5 star listing being shown at the top of search results, and obtaining up to 8X more views than a 3 star listing.
The Number 1 Factor
Health tests, health tests and health tests.
We believe that these deep DNA tests are the single best indicator of good breeding practices.
No matter what background you come from, or what breed you have, if you are able to provide proof of DNA health tests for the parents of your litter (or your stud if a stud listing) are in line with the Kennel Club or the breed club recommendation for non-KC breeds, you will receive a top-rated listing.
We don't believe that a KC registered dog, and therefore recognised breed, is necessarily superior or inferior to any crossbreed or non recognised breed, which is why we will aim to revert to the breed club recommendation and we usually look to the breed club for advice here for non KC breeds, or the KC for recognised breeds.
Should breeders of any breed undertake health tests, and the below suggestions, they have the ability to be a responsible breeder and score highly on our rating system.
Other Factors
We don't believe that a licensed breeder is automatically a more responsible breeder than, for example, a hobby breeder who spends the utmost care and attention, and so these factors are often secondary to the DNA health test.
Licensed/ Unlicensed and proof uploaded for license claim. This is not to say that having a license provides a higher star rating, but it gives us an indication that an independent body has inspected the premises and provided their own rating which can help inform us. For example, a licensed breeder through our website with less than a 5 star rating by their council would find it difficult to obtain a 5 star rating on
Proof provided for health tests (ie has the admin seen the certificates).
Quality of photographs.
Video been uploaded clearly showing the mothers interaction.
Both parents have been tested or just 1 (in line with the breed club or KC recommendation)
KC registered or not. (if appropriate for the breed), and if so, is the breeder a KC Assured Breeder.
Inbreeding co-efficient been considered.
A written description on your listing explaining your process so far and on going. For example, have you been socialising the puppies, have you been handling them, are you exposing them to humans and noises, to name a few items you could talk about.
Can you provide us with evidence of details of your facilities and where the puppies shall be raised.
Is the breeder making use of the puppy contract?
Can the breeder demonstrate knowledge of the ancestry of the Dam and Stud
History of the breeder (what can be found online, have they told us they are part of their breed club etc)
Should you not agree with the star rating of a particular listing, please contact us, with your reasons why, and we will consider your message, or explain why the listing rating will remain the same and what steps you can take to improve it. We're always happy to explain how to become a responsible breeder.
Our Vision can only do so much. Our vision is a world without bad breeding practices. We will help you, the dog lover make informed choices, but ultimately, change only comes about when the buyer votes with their wallet. By implementing the star rating system, the buyer is up to 8X more likely to click on a 5 star rated listing than a 3 star rated listing.
When you look through our website, we really recommend you take the star rating into consideration.