What Should I Feed My Puppy?

When you have a new puppy, it’s hard to know where to begin....
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You have to figure out where he’ll sleep, where he’s to stay when you’re not home, how to get him to go potty outside, how to train him to come, how to give him a bath, and when to get his shots. It’s a little overwhelming, isn’t it? One of the most immediate issues will be concerning the feeding of your new puppy.... In this article we’ll cover what to feed your puppy, how often, and how much.
First of all, puppies should be with their mother until at least eight weeks old.
a href=https__www.freepik.comphotosprotein-food_Protein food photo created by jcomp
During this time they should get everything they need from their mother so we won’t worry about that here. Once the puppy is weaned from his mother and you bring him home, this is when your tour of duty starts. Puppies need puppy food, not adult dog food. Check the ingredients on the package and make sure the first ingredient is meat. Skip the brands that list grains or meat by-products as the first few ingredients. This is not what your puppy needs for healthy growth, plus the grains may upset his little tummy. Stick with puppy food for at least the first year. After that, it could depend on your dog’s size. Larger dogs may need to stay on puppy food longer, but ask your vet to be sure. A dog’s stomach usually doesn’t like a lot of variety and you’ll notice some diarrhea or throwing up if you suddenly change dog foods. If you are going to change the brand or flavor, do it slowly by mixing the first brand with the second and increasing the second over a period of time so their stomach can handle it. If you're looking for some good quality puppy food we recommend clicking HERE
Very young puppies...
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) - yasmapaz & ace_heart
may need to be fed three or four times per day. Sometime after 8 weeks you can switch the feedings to twice per day. Feed your puppy at the same times every day and be consistent with this. Imagine how you would have felt if it was dinner time and your mom didn’t feed you until 2 hours later. PS. we don't recommend giving your Puppy a fresh cup of coffee and biscuits...that is a big No No.. Dog food packaging should list feeding amounts based on the dog’s weight. If you are unsure, or if it doesn’t seem right to you, ask your vet for their recommendation. Of course you don’t want to starve your pup, but you also don’t want to over-feed him either. Now you have the what, when, and how much regarding the feeding of your puppy. If you have any problems, your vet’s office is just a phone call away.