Just 1 girl (Ms black) and 1 boy (mr green) available and ready to leave now.
Miss black and mr green are the most delicious puppies. They’re both middle of the pack (neither too boisterous nor too timid). They’re a perfect mix of playful and affectionate. They love to explore and are content to entertain themselves, yet thrilled to play with you with toys should you offer them or lay down for belly rubs. They’re patient and gentle with children and eager to learn new tricks and toilet training is going well. They’re an absolute joy to be around.
Our much loved red and apricot non-shedding F1b goldendoodle Seren has given birth to a litter of 8 puppies who are already proving to be the most captivating litter. There are 2 girls and 6 boys, who are looking to join their forever homes from the 7th of August.
All of the puppies have different coats which vary from straight to curly; apricot to dark red. Some of the boys also have special white markings like a stripe or a bib from their handsome f1b Australian labradoodle dad.
The puppies are being loved and nurtured in the heart of our family home by their mum, grandma (also viewable) myself and my children who range in age between 8 and 15. It’s important to us that the puppies leave us well rounded, so, they’re exposed to all the usual sights, sounds, smells and experiences of a family home and garden.
The puppies are currently thriving on a raw diet. I appreciate not everyone wants to carry this on, therefore, I’m happy to guide you through a transition.
Seren (their mum) has the sweetest temperament. She’s very loyal, intuitive, affectionate and a huge people pleaser which means she’s been a dream to train. She especially adores children! She stands at approximately 19 inches to her shoulder and has a lovely soft curly red and apricot coat which I usually keep fairly short. Her elbow scores are 0/0 and hip scores 5/5. She is health tested clear for prcd-PRA, GR-PRA1, GR-PRA2, vWD1, Exon 2, NE/NEWS, NCL, prcd-PRA and PRA/LOPRA.
Dad is Roger an F1b Australian Labradoodle (his mum is an Australian Labradoodle, Dad a red Poodle ) - 18 inches to his shoulder. He’s such a lovely boy - fantastic nature with a superb dense non-shedding doodle coat. He is health tested clear for - prcd-PRA, PRA/LOPRA, NE, vWD1 and Exon 2.
Mum and dad are fully vaccinated, flead and wormed. We appreciate that not everyone wishes to vaccinate their companion, so we’ll leave that decision to you. The pups will, however, be wormed regularly and flead whilst in our care and be microchipped before they return home with you. Mum and grandma are available for you to view.
Once you’ve booked a viewing you’ll be invited to join our WhatsApp group where I’ll share daily videos and updates and answer any questions you have, not just now but throughout your companion’s life time.