Dogs for Stud near me in Eyemouth, Berwickshire has found 4 results that meet your criteria

Dogs for Stud near me in Eyemouth, Berwickshire has found 4 results that meet your criteria

Boosted Listings
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Boosted Boosted
Beautiful Blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier for Stud
Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, EH1 3
42.9 miles from Eyemouth
Our family handsome 4 years boy is available for stud . He is 25 kg weight, full pedigree Staffy with perfect bone structure and muscle mass. He is full vaccinated , wormed and flea treated. He is ver...
Breed facts rafal
All Listings
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Boosted Boosted
Beautiful Blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier for Stud
Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, EH1 3
42.9 miles from Eyemouth
Our family handsome 4 years boy is available for stud . He is 25 kg weight, full pedigree Staffy with perfect bone structure and muscle mass. He is full vaccinated , wormed and flea treated. He is ver...
Breed facts rafal
Siberian Husky
Stunning blue eyed male husky to stud
Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, EH1 3
42.9 miles from Eyemouth
I have a very friendly full pedigree husky to stud out . He’s a blue eyed male. Both parents were great natured as well with the same eye colour.
Breed facts Marc McAulay
Shih Tzu
Shitzu stud
Broomhouse, City of Edinburgh, EH11 3
46.2 miles from Eyemouth
Great dog beautiful nature
Breed facts Moira Gray
Lhasa Apso
Stud Lapso Apso / Shih Tzu
Muirhouse, City of Edinburgh, EH4 4
45.8 miles from Eyemouth
My beautiful boy Milo looking to breed. He's friendly great nature and an amazing family dog. He's not proven but more than ready
Breed facts Vicky Allan
Showing 1 - 4 of 4
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