Golden Retriever dogs for Stud in the UK has found 7 results that meet your criteria

Golden Retriever dogs for Stud in the UK has found 7 results that meet your criteria

Golden Retriever
KC Reg, Health Tested, Crufts Qualified, Proven, Golden Retriever Stud Dog
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK9 3
This 5 year old proven quality stud passed his bronze Good Citizen Award at just 6 months and has qualified for Crufts multiple times proving beyond any doubt that he is an excellent example of the br...
Breed facts Sylahra Golden Retrievers
Golden Retriever
Cornholme, West Yorkshire, OL14 8
I have available my beautiful KC registered golden retriever stud. He is hip and elbow tested with fantastic results. Hips 3/3 elbows 0/0. This boy really does have it all, he is a fantastic example o...
Breed facts Sara Arnold
Golden Retriever
Fully Health Tested Proven KC Golden Retriever for stud
Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1
Noahsark Beau of Coerthas Well tempered KC registered working golden retriever for stud. Proven with a healthy litter on first mating. Fully health tested. Comes from fantastic working lines. Excelle...
Breed facts Coerthas Retrievers
Golden Retriever
Beautiful 5 generation pedigree Golden Retriever for stud
Westleigh, Greater Manchester, WN7 5
We are offering Lucky,our absolutely beautiful 5 generation pedigree,nearly 2 years old English Cream Golden Retriever to stud. His KC name is Kentwone Smoky Moonlight. He has a wonderful temperament,...
Breed facts Edit Miskovicz
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever First Stud
Heartsease, Norfolk, NR7 9
This is Baymax! A unique character In so many ways. Baymax lives at home with his Human brother (4) and his doggy cousin Bonnie. He has such a loving temperament great with kids and other dogs! His fa...
Breed facts Mr & Mrs Bensley
Golden Retriever
Golden retriever for stud
North Wingfield, Derbyshire, S42 5
Fully health tested hips elbows eyes, all clear/ unaffected. Please call for more details TCI/AI Can be offered at our vets. Please contact for more details natural mating offeredstud contracts availa...
Breed facts Lisa watts
Golden Retriever
Pedigree golden retriever for stud
High Harrington, Cumbria, CA14 4
Meet Hudson, he is our much loved family dog. He is golden with an excellent temperament. He is amazing with children and very obedient. Hudson has an older brother Hugo. They both love each other so...
Breed facts Ellie Parker
Showing 1 - 7 of 7
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