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Black Labrador Ftch X Ftw (health Tested)

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Viewed: 2822 times
Last Active: 2 years ago
cragtop gundogs
cragtop gundogs
Licensed Breeder
Posted on: 15 Feb 2021
Member since: 15 Feb 2021
Ad Reference: CRA-21317

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Key Advert Information
  • Breed: Labrador Retriever
  • Type: Stud
  • KC Registered?: Yes
  • Registered Breeder with Council?: Yes
  • Licence number: 19/00118/ANIBRE
  • Which Authority?: Richmond district council
  • Age: 728 weeks (Ready to leave)
  • Health Tested: Yes
  • Which Health Tests?: Bowe is PRA, GPRA, CNM, EIC and SD2 DNA tested clear. The significance of using a dog that is (D.N.A.) tested clear, (even if it is mated to a carrier bitch) is that no puppies born to the mating will have the condition G.P.R.A. CNM, EIC or SD2. His hip s
Full Description

Bowe is a stunning looking highly intelligent black labrador. He is a stylish, hard hunting dog that handles very well at huge distance. He really does have it all including the all important OFF switch. He will sit on the peg on the biggest of days with no lead on and no whining. He has excellent pace and power which he can keep up all day. I really should have entered more competitions with him as he did so well in the few tests I did run him in, but work comes first and he is a true working lab! He is a pleasure to own and loves training. All he wants to do in life is please me and learn more. He has an excellent pedigree, His sire being FTCH Pocklea Adder and dam FTW Claybeck Flush. He is a very experienced stud dog with over 60 litters of puppies to his name! producing strong healthy offspring and is throwing a lot of mixed coloured litters. Over night boarding available for matings. Bowe is PRA, GPRA, CNM, EIC and SD2 DNA tested clear. The significance of using a dog that is (D.N.A.) tested clear, (even if it is mated to a carrier bitch) is that no puppies born to the mating will have the condition G.P.R.A. CNM, EIC or SD2. His hip score is 3-2, Elbows 0 and he has a clear current eye certificate. Kennel Club name, Crossgate Billy of Cragtop. I am also a kennel club assured breeder and have a 5 star council dog breeding licence witch I am very proud of!! even though he's getting on bit he produced a 12 and 13 earlier this year!!

Only send deposit through the Trustap system, provided by puppies.co.uk and only release the funds once you have seen the puppies with their mother. Read more about Trustap
Labrador Retriever
Why Labrador Retrievers are greatThe Labrador retriever breed is a very popular breed around the world, and the UK. They have very pleasant natures, are hardworking and fantastic around a family. They...
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Responds: Within hours
Viewed: 2822 times
Last Active: 2 years ago
cragtop gundogs
cragtop gundogs
Licensed Breeder
Posted on: 15 Feb 2021
Member since: 15 Feb 2021
Ad Reference: CRA-21317

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Only send deposit through the Trustap system, provided by puppies.co.uk and only release the funds once you have seen the puppies with their mother. Read more about Trustap
Black Labrador Ftch X Ftw (health Tested)
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